Dr Silvia Clausi
Psychologist – Psychotherapist
PhD in Neuroscience
Qualification to the profession of Psychologist (n°. 13191)
- Private Practice:
- Office di Via Mattè Trucco 154-156 (Ponte di Nona – Roma EST) at Parafarmacia Raphael
- Office di Via G. Squarcialupo, 20 – Roma (Piazza Bologna / St. Tiburtina)
- Member of the Perinatal Health Care Network, at Ordine Psicologi Lazio.
- Trainer Consultant at Klinikos s.r.l.s.
- Principal Investigator at the Ataxia Laboratory, Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS of Rom
Project title: Cerebellar‐cortical circuits in Autism Spectrum Disorders: new perspectives for treatment implementation (Young Researchers Grant Program of the Italian Ministry of Health – GR-2013-02354888 – 269.000 €).